Aruk Thundercaller


Wyrmdoom Tribe Member
Adult Goliath Man

§ Interactions
31 #UnderdarkExpedition Mev Flintknapper told the party they're crazy to head towards Sunblight Fortress, but, as they stood on one face of a chasm spanned by a lone bridge spanning a river of lava, he did warn them to take heed of awakening any stirges. Stirges, they recalled, are rat sized flying bloodsuckers, and the far cavern walls seemed to be pocked with their nesting holes. Across this bridge was the duergar mining colony where Sloopidoop, Aruk Thundercaller, and Sensei landed when teleporting away from Sunblight's prisons. There, the party was told, was a Duergar princess from the Muzgardt clan. Xardorok Sunblight had summoned the woman to court her, but the rumor in the mining colony, which sounded like a somewhat open city for Underdark trade despite the presence of the Sunblight clan, was that the princess was of an independent mind.
31 #battle #UnderdarkExpedition If crossing the ancient dwarven bridge wasn't foreboding enough, the large creature's shell in the middle of the pathways certainly proved ominous. Jarnathan the familiar nearly singed its whiskers off when scouting. The party decided to push through, calling out the magma whelk within the shell. As the foe delayed their transit, the sounds of battle stirred the cave walls. An exponentially growing number of stirges poured into the air. Crank, the first to cross the chasm into the cool crevasse on the other side, noted that the stirges did not pursue. He called for his companions to run. Felling the whelk, the party dashed to safety, and as they collapsed into the crack in the wall, the swarm of stirges descending on Aruk Thundercaller at the rear. Enveloped in a hundred stirges, Aruk beseeched the party to save his captive brother, the goliath Kapanuk Talltree. Aruk then fell from the bridge, lifelessly.
30 #UnderdarkExpedition The party had been watched during this encounter. There were kobolds who lived in the desolation of the drow ruins. Those ran away. There was a party up ahead, however. On meeting them, an exasperated sahuagin fishman, notably articulate and adorned in robes, chastised the group for disturbing not only such a creature but such a wonderous ruin. This fishman introduced himself as the Society of Brilliance scholar Sloopidoop. He was accompanied by two travelers, a goliath with a concussion named Aruk Thundercaller and a myconid who missed its sovereign named Sensei.
30 #ADuergarPlot Sloopidoop and his colleague Pleuruta, a myconid and another Society of Brilliance member, had been captured by the duergar while they were on a field trip in the Northdark. Sloopi was able to teleport out of Sunblight Fortress, but his escape should have landed him back at the Society. Instead, he was hurtled through ice and snow beyond belief before landing outside the fortress near a duergar mining colony. While his colleague was still detained, his teleportation brought along Pleuruta's former aide, Sensei, as well as Aruk Thundercaller. Both Sensi and Aruk were inspired by the party, deciding to join them back towards the fortress to rescue their companions. Sloopi wished to remain to study the phaerimm and hesitantly considered exploring passage towards the now twilit Icewind Dale.