Archdruid of Kuldahar
Mature Elvish Woman
§ | Interactions |
41 | #Kulduhar Iselore had been unable to remove the Rime-Kissed Curse from the Heartstone Gem. The curse appeared to be bound to a physical item or phylactery, which was slowly leeching the artifact's energy for purposes unknown. Iselore suspected that Eirys took advantage of the wellsprings of magical potency underneath the Great Oak to deploy this curse. She believed a Yuan-Ti ruin, within which a portal had formed decades ago that lead to an attack in Kuldahar, was where the heroes would find answers. |
40 | #Kulduhar On the way to the Counsel Chambers, the party saw the various workshops, taverns, and inns of the druidic enclave. Several worshipers were praying to a statue of Silvanus in the center of the enclave, below which were effigies of the founders of Kuldahar, archdruids long gone. The guards noted that the current archdruid was Iselore, a green haired elf who had seen the village through the past hundred years, including a troubling time when the village was attacked. This attack stemmed from outsiders taking advantage of ancient Yuan-Ti temples underneath the roots of the Great Oak, which existed long before the tree was a sapling. This holy site had been a wellspring of magical potency for eons it seemed. |
40 | #Kulduhar The Druidic Counsel sat around a long wooden table, intricate carvings and rootwork ornamentation embellishing the room. Iselore was fielding suggestions from various counsel heads, amongst the two dozen or so individuals in the room. The old elf was hesitant about permitting outsiders inside the enclave, given troubles in the past and simple logistical issues. An aasimar woman named Eirys balked at this, exemplifying the merits of her decades long sanctuary at Kuldahar and championed for the refugees to be accepted into the haven. Iselore had not been outside the walls of Kuldahar in quite some time, Eirys complained. She did not understand the winter. The party decided to bolster this point, describing Auril's Eternal Winter and the recent assault on Ten Towns by the Xardorok Sunblight and his Chardalyn Dragon. The counsel put forth the decision to a vote, which narrowly came in favor of allowing the refugees solace. Iselore, while not pleased, accepted the outcome. |
40 | #Kulduhar Meeting with Keeper at the Shrine of the Heartstone Gem, the oddball druid attested that something was off about the Great Oak. Frosted rime was found along its roots, and he swears the temperature had been a degree lower than normal. And the birds! Of the 2000 birds known to him in Kuldahar, he now only counted 1998! While listening to the quirky man was a labor in its own right, the party did notice some peculiarities. Large bootprints were noted, which didn't belong to the barefoot Keeper nor to Iselore who frequented the shrine recently. Azgul cast identify on the gem itself and revealed a curse on it with imprints of a snowflake pattern. |
40 | #Kulduhar Winter would have taken Kuldahar if it were not for the meddling Heroes of the Cairn. With Eirys imprisoned, Iselore thanked the party, bestowing on them a gift of divination, the Blessing of the Great Oak. While calamity had been averted, the Rime-Kissed Curse on the Heartstone Gem remained to be removed. Archdruid Iselore tasked the party with investigating Yuan-Ti ruins nestled deep within the roots of the Great Oak, a possibly wellspring of magical potency that Eirys may have been abusing. |
40 | Blessing of the Great Oak ~ Granted by Iselore ~ Azgul |