Chaos overtook the prison as a free for all ensued in blackened hallways with flickering lights and an unknown number of slaadi invaders. The party ascended the central tower of Revel's End, finding a wounded Lieutenant Stone and a sullen Warden Marthannis. The green slaad spotted earlier had made short work of the guard barracks and was now on the rooftop. All was lost, said the deranged warden. As the party confronted a grey slaad, Gadget and Crank were alarmed when their attacks only rippled through the aberration. What they didn't know was the rogue green slaad had killed the warden, eaten her heart, and evolved. The threat in front of them was an illusion. As the warden's jaw unhinged and a cone of fear magic enveloped the party, the true fight was on. It ended with the slaad's fall from the tower. An uneasy peace was restored over Revel's End. Authority in the prison was in shambles. Both Stone and Marthannis were dead. Tetro informed Speaker Waylen about the incident and played the speaker's earlier message: new tidings about the duergar were unearthed and the speakers were meeting in Bryn Shander for the next week.
Revel's End
- #battle #RevelsEnd Lights sputtered against black hallways as the siren blared in Revel's End. Gadget, Tetro, and Fern were caught in combat with a red slaad as prisoners and guards clashed against other threats. Vaelish Gant was seen looking for spellcasting reagents. Prisoner 13 was attacked by a red slaad and defended herself with her river tattoo. Azgul was lost in the fray. Oona and Crank awoke to chaos and soon found themselves fighting off another red slaad near the mess hall.
- #RevelsEnd A weak-voiced Stolga Stone announced over the intercom that the warden was facing a threat on the roof of the tower. Entering the central tower, Stone was seen bleeding out near the facility control panel. Tetro healed her up, so she went with the party up the tower, passing a demolished guard barracks, before arriving on the third level's Absolution Council Room. Here, warden Marta Marthannis was sitting with her face in her hands, a hopeless, deranged smile across her face.
- #RevelsEnd The warden's responses about the slaad threat were mostly nonsense. Lieutenant Stone was concerned that Marta would activate the facility self-destruct and was doubly concerned when the warden said nothing about the Wand of Binding, which was meant to control threats like these. Fern and Stone went to search the warden's chambers for the wand, while the remaining party headed to the roof. Crank scooped up the dazed warden and took her with.
- #RevelsEnd On the roof, in the chill of heavy snowfall, a gray slaad was prowling. Gadget sent an attack right into the creature, whose image only twisted and sputtered. It was a powerful illusion, but for the moment only she could tell. Crank continued to attack, as the warden who he just sat down unhinged her jaw, a black cone of fear magic emanating from within. Enraged and frightened, Oona sprinted down the staircase, getting nicked by the warden's fingernails. The warden laughed at her own feeble human hands.
- #RevelsEnd Simultaneously, Fern and Stolga Stone were ransacking the warden's office. Fern found the Wand of Binding in a hidden compartment of the warden's desk... and soon found the warden, dead and stuffed in a closet, heart ripped out. They bolted for the roof, almost colliding with Oona.
- #battle #RevelsEnd Stolga Stone ran up the stairs and immediately attempted to shove the supposed warden off. She failed. The warden transformed, and the battle with the true grey slaad ensued on the rooftop of Revel's End. Tetro assumed constellation form to bolster the party, as Fern and Gadget laid into it with knife and fist.Oona, having come to her senses, hurled the slaad off the tower. It landed 140 ft below on the lower roof. Crank jumped down after, tossing a lightning javelin and slow-falling not a moment too soon. The rest of the party continued their assault from roof top and tower windows. The slaad, though, was able to take flight, and fireballed the roof. Dodging the blast, Oona opened her eyes to see Stolga Stone incinerated and falling to her death. But the slaad couldn't last. It died midair and fell once again, the resulting splash soaking Crank in slaadi guts and goo.
- #RevelsEnd The slaad threat had been squashed. A good number of lives were lost for both guards and prisoners, and a guard captain named Clay sought to keep the peace as our adventurers rested. Both Stone and Marthannis were dead.
- #RevelsEnd #ADuergarPlot Tetro used the sending stones to inform Danneth Waylen about the scenario. Danneth's earlier response was played: it put in a good word for them for the warden. The message also informed the party that the speakers were in Bryn Shander for a series of meetings. New tidings about the duergar had been unearthed, and the party's presence at a meeting within the following week could be fruitful.
Total XP: 8800
- 1000 ~ #RevelsEnd COMPLETE
- Wand of Binding ~ Warden's Office ~ Fern
- Orb of Gaseous Form ~ Evidence Chest ~ Tetro

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