Dannika Graysteel
Middle-Aged Half-Elf Woman
§ | Interactions |
39 | #FeastOfTheMoon Speaking for Targos and Bremen, Naerth Maxildannar lamented the suffering of Ten Towns. The destruction of Bremen was total. Targos was standing strong and was taking in Bremen and Easthaven refugees, as well as providing resources to Speaker Waylen for reconstruction efforts. The dead included Torg, Grynsk Berylbore, Tali, Dannika Graysteel, Cora Mulphoon, and the missing but presumed dead Huarwar Mulphoon. The aged speaker, Dorbulgruf Shalescar, lived, and could be heard muttering Ol Bitey's song. |
12 | #NatureSpirits Tali introduced the party to Dannika Graysteel, another half-elf scholar who has been staying in Bremen for months searching for hints of Chwinga activity. Dannika's nose is more in her books than her legs are in the field, though. She gives the party a lantern of tracking that supposedly glows greenish-blue in the presence of the nature spirits. |