Kobold Kommander
Adult Kobold Man
Boss,Total dragon,Badass wings
§ | Interactions |
42 | #TenTownsThings The journey back to Bryn Shander was faster without the caravan of Dalefolk refugees. At the Hooked Knucklehead, they were met by T-Rex and Copper, the latter of whom had been driven batty by the, erm, industrious kobold. It appears that T-Rex grew more enterprising under Marta Pekryk's tutelage, so much so that she left. The kobold had found a cache of weapons stored under the floorboards and sold them to some really cool dudes for several barrels of Good Mead's good mead. He said they brought over the good stuff from Bremen, which, you know, recently burnt down. Tetro began detecting for poisons, while Crank took a sip. It was delicious. After sleuthing around their tavern, the party deduced those really cool dudes must have been Zhentarim smugglers. In any case, T-Rex emptied a coin purse into Fern's palm, delivering a profit of 100 gp. |
39 | #FeastOfTheMoon Back in Bryn Shander's town center, Duvessa Shane thanked the party and handed them a key. The Hooked Knucklehead tavern was theirs. She noted that a, uh, ugly friend of theirs was waiting for them. Their friend, of course, was T-Rex. Meeting them with a stupid grin, he had been busy cleaning the inn and chasing away miscreants, like a teddy bear man. The party settled in, and over the next few days Fern went shopping for supplies, Oona called in favors to get their dogs brought from Termalaine, and Crank reunited with Sparks. Tetro, experiencing his first home outside his shell, recalled rather entrepreneurially that Nimsy Huddle may have promised them the dilapidated Ramshackle Inn as well. |
35 | #ADuergarPlot It seems that Xardorok Sunblight had left Olpha Muzgardt in the dining room, storming off in a religious fervor, maddeningly focused on his chardalyn dragon. Olpha saw little salvation in Sunblight's eyes, commenting that appears a possessed man. With soldiers due to dine in the bloodied mess hall in a few hours, Olpha and her guard Ulkin encouraged the party to continue, as they themselves began to instruct the kitchen staff to hide the bodies. Time of the essence, the party told T-Rex and Sensei to hang back while they moved towards the forge level. |
34 | #ADuergarPlotXardorok Sunblight was not in his war room, nor was he in his bed chamber. Fern gingerly cracked open a hefty iron padlock on a chest. While Azgul was unable to detect any magical trap, something was amiss about its base, which bobbed up and down while they lifted out an extremely expensive platinum and star sapphire hookah. It spooked them out enough to leave along, and they shouted at T-Rex when he poked around the gem-encrusted dwarven smoking jacket, causing the chest's base to rattle further. |
32 | #UnderdarkExpedition The ashen and dirtied local duergar miners kept to themself, avoiding the party, as they moved into the busy markets of the town, now known to be called Thizrun. Several deep gnomes pandered mining technology, shoved along by the occassional Sunblight soldier, and hooded drow were seen making deals in alleys with savvy duergar artisans. The town numbered one to three hundred it seemed, and one roadway appeared to lead towards the duergar's mining activity. The party noted an opulent tent as well, with several armed duergar moving in and out. This must belong to the princess. As they were milling about, they heard a croaky whisper, "Hey! I know you!" T-Rex the kobold was in a cage, his snout and eyes poking out from under a cloth. A cock-eyed duergar slaver and his bugbear bodyguard manned the booth. It seems like T-Rex fled back into the Underdark after the party took care of his cronies in Termalaine and was caught thieving. He was now for sale. |
32 | #UnderdarkExpedition Oona couldn't help but feel sorry for T-Rex, despite Crank and Azgul pleading with her to leave the issue. Fern had to chime in that an indentured servant at their newly deeded inn in Bryn Shander might not be a bad thing. And so it went that the party took T-Rex into their fold, for the meager cost of 50 gp. |
06 | #battle #ABeautifulMine Several encounters unfolded in the gem mines, mostly against easily dispatched kobolds, but also against a set of grells that had preyed on weaker beings and caused significant tension in the mine. The party eventually encountered a well-spoken kobold leader with fake dragon wings named T-Rex, who was found out to have been possessed by the Ghost of Janth, a sage who had succumbed to exposure on the iceplains. The kobolds had been seeking refuge and a better life, though through a lot of skullduggery. The ghost wished to infiltrate society and, while rational, had less-than-good aspirations. The ghost was exorcised. The party, tired of shenanigans, told T-Rex and two surviving kobolds to take a hike. |