Mev Flintknapper


Gemstone Enthusiast
Adult Deep Gnome Man

§ Interactions
31 #UnderdarkExpedition Mev Flintknapper told the party they're crazy to head towards Sunblight Fortress, but, as they stood on one face of a chasm spanned by a lone bridge spanning a river of lava, he did warn them to take heed of awakening any stirges. Stirges, they recalled, are rat sized flying bloodsuckers, and the far cavern walls seemed to be pocked with their nesting holes. Across this bridge was the duergar mining colony where Sloopidoop, Aruk Thundercaller, and Sensei landed when teleporting away from Sunblight's prisons. There, the party was told, was a Duergar princess from the Muzgardt clan. Xardorok Sunblight had summoned the woman to court her, but the rumor in the mining colony, which sounded like a somewhat open city for Underdark trade despite the presence of the Sunblight clan, was that the princess was of an independent mind.
30 #ADuergarPlot The duergar mining colony, as retold my Sloopi, was under Sunblight control, and yet it still received traffic from merchants and other denizens of the deep. That's how they met a deep gnome, Mev Flintknapper, who aided their escape. Importantly, there appears to have been a duergar princess in town, a woman from another clan who Xardorok Sunblight appears to have summoned in order to court. The rumor is that she is of an independent allegiance to that of the Sunblight clan. Whether or not she will prove to be useful to the party will remain to be seen.
30 #battle #UnderdarkExpedition Forging their way deeper into the Underdark, the party ran into a cavern of ropers, ferocious stalagmites lookalikes with grasping tendrils. Chaos roiled as a Mev Flintknapper appeared screaming for them to watch out, as a shambling mound was on his tail. The party, after slogging through the rock skinned ropers, managed to overwhelm the shambling mound. Taking a short rest before continuing their expedition, they eventually found themselves at a precipice with a great bridge before them.