Dreams are my Reality
Our heroes activated the rune chamber of the Lost Spire, producing armaments and jewels while the ancient mechanism sparked and whirred. Gadget warily took note. Dzaan's simulacrum met his end at Azgul's hand, and as the party prepared to leave the spire, Crank was perplexed by seemingly running into more than one Azgul. Later, the party tracked down the Tribe of the Bear's shaman in order to ink Fern with the lock-breaker tattoo. Oona received the Bear's Eldritch Claw tattoo as well, slowly realizing that the shaman she was dealing with was the one from her dreams, the same who poisoned the Bear King's wives and children. As outsiders, they lacked influence, but this vision was expressed to the Bear King Gunvald, and now on a solemn arctic morning our heroes prepare to depart, first to the Axebreaker Vault and then back to Ten Towns.
The Lost Spire's Rune Chamber
- #TheLostSpire #DzaanIsDead Dzaan's simulacrum urged the players to consider activating the rune chamber, despite Azgul's apparent hesitation. It couldn't hurt to look, they said. The rune chamber hummed with arcane energy as a holographic illusion of its creator beckoned the party in Loross to set an illusion on the golden platform and grant it a touch, to transform thought into reality. Gadget took note of the fissures in the walls on which the byzantine runes were etched. They seemed to crackle and spark, having seen better days.
- #TheLostSpire Fern used her new minor illusion cantrip to begin testing the rune chamber. She first attempted studded leather armor, but it burst into a black, corrosive goo. Gadget identified it as part of the ooze monster genus. The cracked runes were seen arcing during this attempt. On Fern's second attempt, the studded leather armor manifested, real as day.
- #TheLostSpire Oona immediately wanted a greataxe. The machine whirred and weave energy coursed across the runes, slightly arcing, but nevertheless the greataxe formed. But, what about a diamond? Two were made. The first arcing, while the latter had minimal sparks. Crank began to mention the possibilities: why not a whole chest of treasure?
- #TheLostSpire #DzaanIsDead As debate ensued over whether the rune chamber was truly safe, Fern decided to test a living creature. A rat was born and scurried away. She tried again, wanting to keep the rat for herself, and black ooze was the result. It began to unnervingly creep around the golden platform but was not an immediate threat. Dzaan's simulacrum wasn't dissuaded by this result, yearning to become real. However, first, Crank wanted a dog. After two attempts and several sparking, Sparks was happily wagging its tail. Finally Azgul put his foot down. This was enough of a risk. The party told the simulacrum to fuck off, and the group ascended to the surface, Azgul staying behind to have a last word with his mentor's illusion.
- #DzaanIsDead #TheLostSpire As the party packed up the sleds, they heard two eldritch blasts ringing out from within the tower. Azgul joined them after several minutes, stating that Dzaan was truly dead, simulacrum and all.
- #TheLostSpire Crank was still mulling over the black ooze they saw earlier. Wanting to bottle some up, he returned to the rune chamber. Descending the first floor, he passed Azgul. Descending the second floor, he passed Azgul. Descending the third floor, he passed Azgul. Crank bottled up some ooze. Then he asked Azgul, "didya clone yerself?" Azgul had no idea what he was talking about.
Tribe of the Bear
- #Prisoner13 #ReghedTribes The Heroes of the Cairn wished to head back to Ten Towns within the tenday to attend the Speaker's Meeting, but in order to open the Axebreaker Vault with Prisoner 13's arcane lockbreaker, they first thought to locate some Reghed Nomads skilled in the art of magical tattoos.
- #ReghedTribes They found the Tribe of the Bear, led by Bear King Gunvald and his chieftain Halldor Bonebreaker. Oona greeted them customarily and delivered news of their fallen warriors Torsten Elkspeaker and Halfdan Unspoken, offering their pelts. The tribe welcomed the wanderers to camp alongside them, though they would leave the next day to seek fish near the Sea of Moving Ice.
- #ChardalynBerserkers Halldor Bonebreaker informed the party of troubles with chardalyn. Tribe members had used the stone to craft weaponry, driving them berserk, bloodthirsty and animalistic, giving themselves up to the wilds and frost. They had lost a fair number of members in this way. Rumors had spread that a blue flame accompanied these berserkers, and that they may have a leader.
- #ReghedTribes Bear King Gunvald relayed information about the tribal relations. The largest and strongest tribe is the Tribe of the Elk led by the aging Jarund Elkheart, whose lone heir has died. They are the most domesticated tribe, frequenting Ten Towns. Next in strength is the Tribe of the Tiger, the most xenophobic and the most quick to violence. They're led by Queen Bjornhild, who believes herself to have Auril's blessing. The Tribe of the Bear is next in influence, having lost numbers to both the berserkers and to disputes with the Tigers. They're on good terms with the Elk, but do not venture into Ten Towns as often. Finally, there is the Tribe of the Wolf, less of a tribe and more of a motley crew, led by the psychotic Isarr Kronenstrom, a self-proclaimed Chosen of Malar.
- #ReghedTribes #Prisoner13 Their shaman, Ulkora Weavebender, was able to replicate the lock-breaker tattoo for Fern for a modest trade of 60 gp alongside sea hag blood. Oona, intrigued by the Bear Tribe's tattoos, asked to receive the markings. It would cost an outsider, said Ulkora, but after finding 500 gp of trade, alongside some mayonnaise from Gadget's alchemy jug to fatten the deal, Oona sat down to receive the Bear's Eldritch Claw. Ulkora removed her bear mask, revealing the glowing, ruddy face of a middle aged Reghedswoman, and set to work.
- #ReghedTribes After her inking, Oona recalled that she recognized the shaman. She had dreamt of Ulkora Weavebender and recalled it as so: "You are the shaman of the Bear Tribe. The Bear King’s third wife has come to you for help with her morning sickness. You brew her the same concoction you brewed for the last two wives, to make her and her child waste away. Perhaps the King will recognize your love for him now and take you to wife. The snow beneath your feet vibrates, each crystal forming a note of a discordant voice. It says, This is the virtue of Cruelty."
- #ReghedTribes Oona's horror sank in. She spoke again with Bear King Gunvald, frantic but earnest, relaying her vision. The Bear King listened, stifling a mixture of emotions, and sternly thanked Oona, before telling her to leave his presence. As the Tribe of the Bear started their preparations to cross the tundra, the party plotted their own course. They would head to the Dwarven Valley to open the Axebreaker Vault.
Total XP: 9800
- 200 ~ #DzaanIsDead COMPLETE
- 200 ~ #TheLostSpire COMPLETE
- 100 ~ Tribe of the Bear DISCOVERED
- Studded Leather Armor ~ Rune Chamber ~ Fern
- Greataxe ~ Rune Chamber ~ Oona
- Two 500gp diamonds ~ Rune Chamber ~ Fern
- Sparks the dog ~ Rune Chamber ~ Crank
- Lock-breaker Tattoo ~ Reghed Shamans ~ Fern
- Eldritch Claw Tattoo ~ Reghed Shamans ~ Oona
(Dreams are my )Reality is a 1980 ballad by Richard Sanderson.
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