The Battle for Easthaven
With the chardalyn dragon en-route to Ten Towns, our heroes scrambled together a counteroffensive. They rode the griffons of Wyrmdoom Crag across the tundra without rest. Gadget and Tetro used tinkered stones and sky-written alarms to alert Ten Towns to the imminent threat. In Easthaven, the heroes rushed to prepare the townsfolk and hasten the militia, aiding Speaker Waylen and recruiting Vellynne Harpell, while the dragon was preoccupied in Bremen's destruction. Before they could meet Captain Imdra Arlaggath, the vanguard of the duergar offensive struck. Imdra died. As the fighting drew on, the dragon attacked. Ballista rounds met with dragon fire. Azgul goaded the dragon to land after flying after it, only to be slammed mid-air into a rooftop. But the bait was effective, leading the dragon to the heroes' bolt shooters, causing it to land. There, Vellynne's cast of Bigby's Hand grappled the roaring dragon by the throat.

Destruction's Light


Total XP: 20601


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