DISENGAGE FROM HOSTILITIES. Grappled and sustaining attack after attack, the Chardalyn Dragon countered with its seering radiant breath. Breaking free and taking flight, the behemoth considered its next target. RESUME PROTOCOL. Oona vaulted onto the beast and repeatedly hacked at the wing joint, causing the two to plummet into the ruins of Easthaven. ENGAGEMENT CONTINUED. Releasing its stored spell energy, the effects of shatter took out both the barbian and the druid Tetro who rushed to her aid. MALEVOLENCE CONSIDERED. Its wing and tail tore into Crank, tossing him aside. Once again taking flight, Fern dexterously maneuvered a ballista, firing with her mage hand, and tore into the beast's wing. MALEVOLENCE AURA ACTIVATED. Damaged beyong repair, the chardalyn dragon perverted the minds of our heroes into fighting themselves as it loomed overhead. Throwing what little energies they had at the terror, doom seemed imminent. Azgul broke free of the malevolent hold. He fired two blasts through the dragon's chest. The dragon's core ripped from its torso, body slamming into the ground, inert. The standing heroes rushed to their downed comrades, as they entrusted their preparations to secure the safety of Ten Towns from the duergar offensive.
Showdown with the Chardalyn Dragon
- #DestructionsLight DISENGAGE FROM HOSTILITIES. RESUME PROTOCOL. The Chardalyn Dragon broke free of Vellynne's cast of Bigby's Hand as it was pelted by lightning, fist, and steel. Oona vaulted onto the beast, chinks of chardalyn cracking off as she mounted its back. Having sustained considerable damage, the dragon took flight nearly a hundred feet in the air, unleashing its radiant breath beam. Oona held on, sinking her axe twice into the wing joint. On the second blow the metallic joint gave, causing the dragon and barbarian alike to plummet down into a ruined Easthaven.
- #DestructionsLight ENGAGEMENT CONTINUED. MALEVOLENCE CONSIDERED. Exhausted but unrelenting, our heroes continued their assault on the dragon. The dragon released its stored spell energy, recasting Shatter on Tetro who was aiding an unconscious Oona. The tortle fell beside her. Its wing and tail ripped across Crank's chest, tossing him aside as well. Azgul ran to the battlefield, past dying villagers, and fired blasts of force at the behemoth. RESUME PROTOCOL. Once again, the dragon took flight. Before it could get far, Fern and her cunning mage hand loaded and shot a ballista through the damaged wing, grounding it once again.
- #DestructionsLight MALEVOLENCE AURA ACTIVATED. Our wounded heroes were just picking themselves up when their minds reeled, awash with the malignance of raw chardalyn. They took arms to each other as the Chardalyn Dragon, now damaged beyond repair, began picking off party members. Eyeing her suffering comrades, Gadget launched arcane bursts at the dragon, tearing off several scales. The dragon loomed over them now. Out of options, Fern loaded another bolt and re-fired the ballista. It missed. Breaking the hold of the malevolence, Azgul sent two Eldritch Blasts through the chest of the dragon, shearing chardalyn plate and rending its core from its torso. The dragon was felled. Scrambling to their allies as onlookers came out of the burning woodwork, the party was forced to rest, entrusting their preparations to secure the safety of Ten Towns.
Total XP: 23801 (LEVEL UP)
- 3200 ~ #DestructionsLight COMPLETE
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