Caer Dineval

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Character Role Race Age Gender Descriptors
Alassar Sulmander Kennel Boy, Imprisoned at Caer Dineval Human Young Boy
  • Miscreant
  • Savvy
  • Coin-minded
Crannoc Siever Speaker of Caer Dineval Human Middle-Aged Man
  • Firebrand
  • Stir-crazy
  • Blowhard
Dassir Ravenscar Dogkeeper, Imprisoned at Caer Dineval Human Adult Man
  • Shy
  • Kind
  • Vegan
Elprekt Norbrav Butler, Imprisoned at Caer Dineval Half-elf Adult Man
  • Effete
  • Gangly
  • Sommelier
Fel Suparra Gate Guard, Black Swords Cultist Tiefling Adult Woman
  • Disingenuous
  • Fervent
  • Cultist
Hethyl Arkorran Soothsayer, Black Sword Cultist Dwarf Elderly Woman
  • Doomsayer
  • Heartless
  • Prescient
Huarwar Mulphoon Gate Guard, Black Swords Cultist, Innkeeper's Son Human Young Man
  • Strapping
  • Surly
  • Brave
Kadroth Black Swords Cult Leader at Caer Dineval Tiefling Middle-Aged Man
  • Charismatic
  • Thin-skinned
  • Visionary
Karou Chorizo Chef at Caer Dineval Dwarf Middle-Aged Man
  • Gruff
  • Tight-lipped
  • All-business
Lanthis Alderdusk Notary Scribe, Imprisoned at Caer Dineval Human Middle-Aged Man
  • Feisty
  • Spry
  • Dedicated
Mere Servant at Caer Dineval Tiefling Teenage Woman
  • Frightened
  • Naive
  • Helper
Mylbara Norbrav Translator, Imprisoned at Caer Dineval Dwarf Middle-Aged Woman
  • Educated
  • Stout
  • Hard-headed
Roark Tavernkeeper at the Uphill Climb Human Middle-aged Man
  • Good-meaning
  • Curt
  • Wary
Tam Sharf Housemaid, Imprisoned at Caer Dineval Dragonborn Adult Woman
  • Mute
  • Thieving
  • Dexterous
Thoob Kadroth's Servant, Black Sword Cultist Human Adult Man
  • Sadistic
  • Klutzy
  • Lackey
Yajath Guard, Black Sword Cultist Human Adult Man
  • Bored
  • Grim
  • Gruff


Dinev's Rest

Abandoned inn in disrepair.

Uphill Climb

Tavern overlooking Lac Dinneshere, halfway up the hill to the Caer.

The Caer

The fortified keep around which the town was built.


§ Details
43 #TheDevilYouKnow #KrakenClimateArena A noise at the doorway turned everyone's heads. It was Mere. She had come to wish the party well, for being so kind to her. She told them how Caer Dineval's town had been razed, and how Kadroth had died, falling from the caer's ramparts during the dragon attack. The keep was now led by Lady Avarice. Mere admitted the lady had been good to her, even teaching her some cantrips, but went on to note that Avarice was most keenly focused on mounting an expedition across the tundra in search of the Netherese ruins of Ythryn. She had sent Huarwar to lead a company to the Solstice Isle to investigate a means to gain audience with or perhaps deter the Frostmaiden. At this point, Mere paused, and then curiously asked the party whether they had seen any griffons in flight. She had been told to keep her eyes out for one, but she confessed she didn't know why. In any case, she did know that Avarice was displeased with this endless winter and wished it over. Unfortunately, the kraken had left Huarwar's group with no way forward. "It's true," admitted an eavesdropping Huarwar. "That kraken... is a colossus." The beast lurked a mile north, they said, roosting in a natural harbor under thundercloud covered skies.
39 #FeastOfTheMoon In the aftermath of the Chardalyn Dragon's destruction, the party accompanied a caravan of survivors from Easthaven to Bryn Shander as Ten Towns gathered for mourning during the Feast of the Moon, the holy day bridging the 11th and 12th month. In their company, Danneth Waylen relayed all the information he could. Bremen and Caer Dineval had fallen, though the caer itself was surprisingly unscathed. Easthaven, while standing, was a wreck. Duergar attacks were put down in the remaining of the cities with minimal casualties.
39 #FeastOfTheMoon Speaking for both Caer Dineval and Caer Konig, Danneth Waylen continued, relaying reports from their scouts. The people of Caer Dineval stood no chance. Among the dead were tavernkeeper Roark, the deposed speaker Crannoc Siever, and his contentious hand Kadroth. Caer Konig, it seems, was not a target of attack. Trovus had been sobered up somewhat, and the veteran was currently entrusted with the town's security. What worried the scouts, though, were sightings of coldlight walkers - standing as if in wait - amongst the outer ruins of the towns.
37 #DestructionsLight Catching their breath in the blood-stained forge, our heroes laid out the maps and debated on their best course of action. The Chardalyn Dragon was en-route to Ten Towns. First it would strike Caer Dineval, then Bremen. Gadget asked the duergar engineers for weaknesses. There were none. In fact, the construct was designed to resist the cold, and as a construct, it was immune to typical charms and fears. The beast could even absorb magic, up to a limit. Their best bet would be to ground it. As for traveling to Ten Towns, the goliath Kapanuk Talltree was willing to return a favor. His scrimshaw horn in hand, they headed to the ice gate atop the fortress, and the goliath called for the griffons of Wyrmdoom Crag.
34 #ADuergarPlot Avoiding patrols from on the Command Level and steering clear of the barracks, the party stealthed into Xardorok Sunblight's war room. A model of Ten Towns was mapped out with a miniature chardalyn dragon was present on the war table. Operated by a lever, it demonstrated the programmed flight path of the construct, as it swept counterclockwise over the towns. Gadget pored over a table of runes to try and reset the dragon's programming. With Fern assisting in arcane decoding, and the rest keeping watch, they managed to swap a couple towns in the order, locking in: Caer Dineval - Bremen - Easthaven - Dougan's Hole - Caer Konig - Termalaine - Lonelywood - Good Mead - Targos - Bryn Shander.
28 #TheCouncil Returning to Bryn Shander, our heroes headed to the town hall to contribute to the discussion on the duergar menace. In the lobby, they ran into Kadroth, the defacto leader of the Black Swords, who assuaged them that the hostilities of the freed prisoners at Caer Dineval were, well, a misunderstanding, and that perhaps they could work together to act against the duergar.
20 #BlackSwords Five captives had been held in Caer Dineval's cisterns. These were Speaker Crannoc Siever's former scribe, butler, translator, dog keeper, and servant. Lanthis, the scribe, needed convincing that the speaker sold them out. Incredulous but resolute, they pleaded for the party to assist their escape, even if they lacked a clear destination.
20 #BlackSwords It was decided that the free folk may not be safe in Caer Dineval's small village. With some provisions, the party insisted they tough out the march to Easthaven. Using their sending stone, they notified Imdra Arlaggath about the situation at Caer and requested a crew to meet the refugees halfway. They then trudged through the night, making their way to Caer Konig by dawn.
19 The 8 hour trek, on foot, from Easthaven to Caer Dineval was uneventful and bleak. Few travelers were met on the road. Perhaps the winter is worsening. Perhaps the Caers are more remote than they thought. Perhaps both. Arriving in late afternoon, the party noted that Dinev's Rest, the local inn, was abandoned and in disrepair. Looming at the top of the hill and overlooking Lac Dinneshere was the Caer itself. A local look quizzically at the group and suggested they stop by the one tavern, The Uphill Climb.
19 #BlackSwords At The Uphill Climb, the tavernkeeper Roark reluctantly served the guests. The large tavern, a prominent structure in and of itself, was nearly devoid of patrons - just a dour old man and a quiet couple with a young child. When asking about lodging, Roark said he couldn't have room to spare. When asking about vitals, the innkeeper brought chowder but no ale; shipments of such goods had all but died this last month. The town's speaker, Crannoc Siever, had fallen "ill" and kept to himself in the Caer. Roark didn't want to talk about it. The quiet couple eventually slipped over a note before leaving in a hurry. The note stated that the speaker was not ill and that something odd was afoot in the Caer.
19 #BlackSwords #ADuergarPlot Thoob grimly greeted the party through a slit at the barricaded wooden gates of Caer Dineval. The speaker was ill he said. A bit of lackluster deception with Hazel posing as a doctor didn't move the black-hooded guard. What perked his interest was talk of the Duergar. "This would appease the master. I will come back to you." The party was left unattended for a while, during which Tetro boosted Crank up the eastern ramparts. Thoob did return and led the party though the barbican's gatehouse, past the raised courtyard, and into the great hall of the keep. Passing a tiefling servant girl, Mere, that Thoob hassled to clean up dishes, the party was led to a sumptuous sitting room to meet Kadroth.
19 #BlackSwords Unsealing a marble slab that opened to the rear area of the cistern, Oona and Fern rowed down, seeing a final room. Meanwhile, Azgul caught a glimpse of metal in the water. His unseen servant pulled up a chain of bloated, but otherwise preserved corpses - the former guardsmen of Caer Dineval. As Oona entered the back room, which reeked of filth, a man jumped on her back attempting to grapple her. She tossed him off like a sack of potatoes and then looked at her surroundings. Five of the Caer's former servants were imprisoned here. She swore to free them and brought news to the party - loudly. The wizard Avarice surely overhead them.
13 The party left Targos the dawn after dispatching Sephek Kaltro before news about the scuffle at the warehouse spread. They decided to head to Easthaven to follow Arcane Brotherhood activities as well as pursue several quest leads in the paper. Notably, they deduced Cora Mulphoon's lost son Huarwar, who was last seen with shady figures, may be located in the sanctuary stronghold of Caer Dineval or ruins of Caer Konig.