The Town of Thizrun
Entering a Sunblight controlled mining colony, the party took to disguising themselves as well as cloaking Sensei, who was unfortunately considered a delicacy among some gray dwarves. They soon found themselves amidst a center of trade, where commonfolk duergar kept to themselves under the oppressive presence of the Sunblight Clan. An unexpected alliance with the duergar princess Olpha Muzgardt was forged, as well as a plan to infiltrate Sunblight via a hidden escape tunnel while Olpha dined with the warlord. Before setting off towards the mines, the party purchased T-Rex the kobold from slavers. He's now part of the gang, for better or worse.

The Town of Thizrun

T-Rex, Dragon of the Kobolds



Total XP: 13801


31 · Chronicles · 33

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