Sneaking into Sunblight
Shadowing Olpha Muzgardt as she headed to dine with the Sunblight warlord, our party tip-toed through the mines outside Thizrun, working their way towards a water-logged escape path that led towards Xardorok's stronghold. The presence of chardalyn began to grow oppressive with its dust permeating the air and several duergar exhibiting extreme, physical crystal anomalies. While fording an underground river, Azgul nearly died. His patron Levistus spared him: monologuing that he was the one responsible for guiding him to Icewind Dale, chiding him for trying to create clones to subvert their contract, and compelling him to kill the duergar warlock. Soon after the party fended off a chardalyn bulette while cracking the riddle behind a dwarven door, gaining access to Xardorok's escape tunnel.

Secret entrance to Sunblight through the Mines of Thizrun


Total XP: 14301


32 · Chronicles · 34

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